Do Not Quit

Sunday, February 19, 2012

FDOS Update Week 7

Update!!! I started the page for the next challenge I got bored lol heres the link

Ok so this week was kinda rough. I went out on saturday so I ate A LOT of points and then following this we all know was valentines day. Well my sweets bought me carrabas very fattening and I ate it you only live once and I can disappoint my love on vday. then two days after vday was my birthday so we went out to pf changs. I had a lot of outings this week and expected to see a gain but instead I maintained. I am ok with this but Im scare about next week because sometimes my bad weeks show up the week after :-? I hope not in this case. I didnt get exercise in AT ALL :( I know bad right but hey too much was going one. Ive got to try extra hard this challenge to make my 30 lbs now I dont know if I can lose almost 4 lbs a week but Im going to try. I can at least say I got close. I will get to at least 22 lbs lost since the challenge I was hoping for 30 but still will meet the challenge just not my personal challenge that will be next one. So four weeks from now I will have the Sexy Swimsuit Summer Challenge It will begin the day after this challenge ends and will end June 20th 2012 The first day of summer. I love first days of seasons can you tell lol. I would love you all to join again and if you do I will allow a couple more people so your spots would be guaranteed if you let me know before the start of the challenge and the other openings are to be requested and I will only take a few that I feel would be better for the challenge. If you know anyone that is looking for a challenge feel free to let them know. I will post the page soon.

I hope you all have another great week!!! TTYL

1 comment:

  1. sounds like you had fun and still controlled yourself..with all these things going on back to back i can see why you were excited:)
