Do Not Quit

Monday, April 2, 2012

Triple "S" Update Official Week 1

Ok so as you all know I had a ROUGH ROUGH week.... I did manage to pull through and I am doing better now (Thank you God for pulling me through this its amazing what he can do) I am still depressed but thats understandable considering I already have depression and what I have been through the past 3 weeks. I am happy to say though I lost 2.1 lbs this week WOOOT WOOOT at least as of friday when I weighed in I did. so this take me down to 170.9 I had to clear out a friend(uncle :( ) that passed house so my muscles are probably nice and swollen cuz I def can say I am feeling it. I have been drinking lots and lots of water but lacking in the exercise(except the move) this week. I even got two brita water bottles and a brita container for the fridge so no excuses if Im out and they say well we only have tap water or something. THAT IS A OKAY BRING IT!!!! You got the water I got the filter lol. I hope the food from the viewing and funeral days didnt mess up what I accomplished but even if it did Oh well I did great in my eyes. We will see on saturday. I dont even care if I went to weigh in on saturday and saw +3 lbs at this point 2 deaths funerals viewings emotional ups and downs and my already depression S**T I will take them 3 lbs and still be happy still being smiling and still say I got through this. I am strong I did not give up I stood tall and I jumped right back to where I had to be and I will get back to the weight I was. Nothing is holding me back NOTHING!!!! No gain no injury no depression no NOTHING!!!! Well now that I got that out Thanks for reading lol I hope everyone else updates by today and congrats to Robin and Tay you guys had amazing losses this week. Sorry again for the late link up I hope you understand with what I was going through and thats why I kept this open until today (monday instead of sunday) I hope everyone has another great week!!! TTYL!

1 comment:

  1. death is always hard but you seem to be handling it well, and i know you;). if you ever need to talk feel free to make my ear drum keep your head up kim.
